What is cutting feet in climbing?

What is cutting feet in climbing?

Cutting Feet in Climbing: Cutting feet is the process of releasing both feet while climbing or climbing. Cutting feet usually occur during a fall when the climber first stands up and then uses his Feet. This will cause your feet to lift off the wall.

Raising your hands in front of any other type of wall is not penalized like avalanches. If your foot position is not correct, you will not be able to pass the protruding stone. If you’re strong enough to do it, of course.

How to avoid cutting your feet on overhangs

To avoid cutting your feet, you will need to maintain tension in your body.

Body tension describes a person’s ability to keep their feet on the wall and apply downward force when they plant their feet. Body tension is often broken when the climber tries to hold on without applying force to the feet, causing the feet to lift off the wall.

Keeping your feet on the wall and keeping your body tense is the result of strength and climbing ability. Being aware of your body while climbing requires experience, and core strength is needed to keep your feet on the wall.

In other words, your ability to maintain body tension won’t change overnight. You will have to train muscle groups (mainly the core) and think about leg positioning.

Rockentry has a great video on body tension. It explains how to relieve body tension and how to maintain it.

Is it bad to cut your Feet?

Although it is often the result of sloppy footwork and improper body tension, cutting your feet isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes it is almost impossible to keep your feet on the wall and leaving them is the only option. As long as your core can handle the extra load and you can get your feet back on the wall and complete the lift, there’s nothing wrong with that.

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However, if possible, avoid cutting your feet, as this will require a lot of energy.

Watch the pros to see how they avoid cutting their feet.

One tip I can’t recommend enough is to watch professional climbers and see how they avoid cutting their feet on the wall. Climbers like Ashima Shiraishi, Janya Jarnpreet, Adam Ondra and Seo Chae Hyun always know how to keep their feet on the wall.

If you haven’t already, I recommend watching the IFSC competition on YouTube. Large competitions are especially great for learning footwork and body tension.

The 2022 Innsbruck women’s final featured a cantilever section where climbers had to cut their legs.

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